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Bitrix24 tips and updates
Meet Kanban, Planner & New Filters For Tasks
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Meet Kanban, Planner & New Filters For Tasks
We’ve prepared some new cool tools for you! Find out what benefits do they have.

2 min
Automatic Call Transcription
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Automatic Call Transcription
In addition to call recording, now you have an option to get call transcription in a text format! About 80 languages are supported at the moment.

1 min
Why Choose CRM for Accounting?
Why Choose CRM for Accounting?
Cutting-edge solutions go beyond customer-oriented tools. CRM can make your customers happy. Here’s how.

7 min
Don't Let These 5 Mistakes Ruin Your Brand Reputation
Don't Let These 5 Mistakes Ruin Your Brand Reputation
Here are a list of common pitfalls and frequent mistakes that can ruin your renown for good.

6 min
How to Solicit Customer Feedback - 5 Golden Rules to Abide By
How to Solicit Customer Feedback - 5 Golden Rules to Abide By
Here you can find how to establish an internal process to garner and track complaints and make it easy for customers to express their problems. 

5 min
Bitrix24 customization example - tasks list grouping by responsible person
Bitrix24 customization example - tasks list grouping by responsible person
One of our customers asked us to add a tasks list grouping by responsible person feature in Bitrix24. Here we’re telling how we managed to do it.

3 min
How To Create Quotes In Bitrix24 Based On .Docx Documents
How To Create Quotes In Bitrix24 Based On .Docx Documents
Bitrix24 Gold partner MAKE Interactive has released a new free app that allows you to convert .docx files to PDF quotes.

1 min
Bitrix24 Is Now Available In Turkish!
Bitrix24 Is Now Available In Turkish!
We've added Turkish to the list of languages available in Bitrix24 Cloud service.
1 min
Sales Funnel Guide: 4 Keys to Success
Sales Funnel Guide: 4 Keys to Success
A sales funnel, sometimes referred to as a marketing, purchase or revenue funnel, is a graphic illustration of the overall journey that a prospect goes through before finally becoming a customer.
5 min
The Best Gantt Chart Practices in Project Management
Tasks and projects
The Best Gantt Chart Practices in Project Management
A Gantt chart is one of the most popular tools used in project management for showcasing various activities. So, how to design the perfect Gantt chart? Here, we have prepared a few practical tips for you.

6 min
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