Blog Additional integration options for Google Analytics and Bitrix24 CRM

Additional integration options for Google Analytics and Bitrix24 CRM

Bitrix24 Team
1 min
Updated: April 5, 2023
Bitrix24 Team
Updated: April 5, 2023
Additional integration options for Google Analytics and Bitrix24 CRM
As you know, Bitrix24 provides basic integration between Google Analytics and Bitrix24 CRM (GTM tags for web forms, for example). However, if you need advanced options, you may want to consider this new app available in our marketplace. When using it you'll be able to import conversion data from Google Analytics, such as purchases, directly into Bitrix24 CRM. As usual, if you need any help with setup, don't hesitate to contact your local Bitrix24 reseller or the app developers directly. The app is absolutely free, while in beta.
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