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New Bright & Informative Dashboards In Bitrix24 CRM (Year 2015)
New Bright & Informative Dashboards In Bitrix24 CRM (Year 2015)
Now your Bitrix24 Deals section has a new dashboard – a bright report page which reflects deals analytics. 

5 min
How & Why to Build Self-Directed Teams
How & Why to Build Self-Directed Teams
Here are three keys for building a self-directed team. Or rather, for helping a self-directed team build itself. 

5 min
Rent Local Phone Numbers In 50+ Countries With Bitrix24
Contact center
Rent Local Phone Numbers In 50+ Countries With Bitrix24
We’ve just expanded the list of countries where you can rent a local phone number. We’ve also dropped the price for renting a phone number.

2 min
Bitrix24 Now Works With OneDrive, Dropbox And Google Drive (Year 2015)
Tasks and projects
Bitrix24 Now Works With OneDrive, Dropbox And Google Drive (Year 2015)
We've added an ability to upload documents to Bitrix24 from external drives, such as OneDrive, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive.

2 min
Recognition, Rewards, and Rapport: The 3 Rs of a Strong Team
Human resources
Recognition, Rewards, and Rapport: The 3 Rs of a Strong Team
To build a strong team, there are three key ingredients that can inspire unity and increase creativity and productivity. 

3 min
8 FAQ On Bitrix24 Drive - How To Manage Your Files Easy And Smart
Tasks and projects
8 FAQ On Bitrix24 Drive - How To Manage Your Files Easy And Smart
Nobody wants to lose valuable time searching for documents or information. Here are some tips to help you manage your files easy with Bitrix24 Drive.

5 min
How to Use Lists & Create Business Processes for Leave Requests Approval in Bitrix24
Human resources
How to Use Lists & Create Business Processes for Leave Requests Approval in Bitrix24 (Year 2015)
This post is going to break down the leave requests approval in Bitrix24.

4 min
How to Help Your Team Set and Reach Good Goals
How to Help Your Team Set and Reach Good Goals
Reaching good goals starts with knowing how to set the right goals for your team.
4 min
7 Tips to Stay Productive through the Holiday Season
7 Tips to Stay Productive through the Holiday Season
All the festivity can cause a lot of disruption to work getting done. Try these tips to stay festive and stay productive.
4 min
What to Do When Your Team Isn't Working Together
What to Do When Your Team Isn't Working Together
Here you can read what to do when your people can't mesh and make progress toward the goal.

4 min
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