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Simple CRM mind map
Simple CRM mind map

CRM may mean totally different things for different people. We’ve compiled a ‘CRM mindmap’ so that you are able to understand all capabilities available to Bitrix24 users. 

1 min
Import products from Instagram to Online Store
Selling on Instagram? Import your Instagram products to Bitrix24 Online Store!

Do you sell or plan to sell on Instagram? If the answer is yes, you will enjoy a new Online Store feature we are announcing today!

1 min
Organized at Work
7 Simple Techniques to Keep You On-Track and Organized at Work
Here are seven simple but powerful techniques to help you stay on track, focused, and organized at work.

5 min
Custom CSS
How to Add Custom CSS to Your Bitrix24 Site or Online Store
In Bitrix24, you can always add custom CSS to your website to customize the look of the elements.
1 min
Observers in Bitrix24 CRM Leads and Deals
New in CRM: Observers in Leads and Deals
You can add observers to a lead or a deal and observers will be able to view the CRM element, send and read messages in the chat of the element.
1 min
Free Mind Map Inside Bitrix24
Free Mind Map Inside Bitrix24
We are excited to announce a new integration to our Marketplace. Please welcome Mind Map! Mind Map allows you to create mind maps to improve visual presentation of personal or team objectives. In addition to standard Mind Map app features, you can assign users, create tasks and events - all associated with your Bitrix24 account.
1 min
Jira integration for Bitrix24 is out!
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Jira integration for Bitrix24 is out!
Are you using Jira for bug tracking and wanted to have an integration with Bitrix24? Now you can. Simply install this app and you'll be able to add and manage Jira issues right from Bitrix24....
1 min
New Bitrix24 Webmail Is Out (And It’s Amazing)
New Bitrix24 Webmail Is Out (And It’s Amazing)
If you didn’t get a chance to try new Bitrix24 webmail yet, you should. Prepare to get impressed.
1 min
New in CRM: Configure Required Fields for Each Stage
New in CRM: Configure Required Fields for Each Stage
Sometimes it's impossible to fill in all fields in deal/lead forms at once. Set particular fields as Required starting with particular stages and fill in the fields as you get the necessary information.
1 min
GDPR Security Add-in
GDPR Security Add-in
MAKE Interactive has deployed a package of data-security measures. This package is available only in the on premise, also called the self-hosted, edition of Bitrix24.

3 min
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